Application portal guide

Filtering the programs for you

The Scholarship and Grants application portal filters the programs you may be eligible for. Instead of browsing through a long list of scholarships and grants, the system does it for you once you complete your Eligibility Profile. It's like a matchmaking app for scholarships and grants.

Eligibility Profile location: Account Settings > Eligibility > Update your eligibility profile

If you are a current student, the system will be able to extract your student data from your student profile in MySC. 

Optional Questions

There are optional questions in the eligibility criteria that you can opt-in to answer. These questions will open up different scholarships based on your responses.

Keeping your profile up-to-date

Keeping your Eligibility Profile up-to-date will ensure that you see the programs that you can apply for. You should update your eligibility profile each semester to ensure you see the most up-to-date scholarships and grants. Update your Eligibility Profile here

International Students

Future international student programs are listed on the Scholarships and Grants website here

Research Scholarships

Research scholarships are listed on the Scholarships and Grants website here.

External Scholarships

A list of external scholarships is listed on the Scholarships and Grants website here.

Having issues?

For further information or assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly. Online – FRED (Federation Request and Enquiry Dashboard)